Noelle Rollins

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Sometimes reality is NOT the best option 6/14/21

It has been a tough few days around here. We kind of knew to expect this but somehow that doesn’t make it any easier.

We have listened to lots of other people talk about how things went for them when they decided to head out on the road full time. Even our son offered us some much need perspective as he told us about how hard the first few months were for him after moving to Germany. It was what he had always dreamed of, and he really wanted to be doing what he was doing, but it didn’t make the transition any easier.

It seems that you can’t just step into the adventure that you have been imagining right from the get go because there are lots of little sticky details that have to be worked out first. As my spiritual director said on Sunday, it is like we are sitting in port with our boat in dry dock waiting to get all of our papers in order and numbers painted on the boat before we can head out to sea. And one thing I know for sure is that wanderers like us do not like to be stuck in port.

So today we have decided to toss the to do list out the window. We both have the day off and we needed to get out of this camper and away from the reality of all that still needs to be done. The list can wait for tomorrow. Today we are headed to Galveston and little bit of time on the Gulf of Mexico. We both love the Gulf - it is our most favorite body of water - and the girls love a good romp in the sea with their favorite ball. So who cares that it is a two hour drive away from where we are located. And that it goes right through the middle of downtown Houston which will likely be jammed with traffic. And the girls don’t really fit very well in the truck that we just bought to pull our future Airstream.

The water is calling. And sometimes the best choice you can make is the one that puts reality on the back burner. The to do list will still be there when we get back but right now we need some fun, and a good reminder as to why we are doing this in the first place. And maybe we will feel more inclined to tackle reality after we have taken some time to play in the sand.