Casino on the Prairie 6/18/21
Today we made our way across the state of Oklahoma. I spent the evening reading the pages of a journal written by Margaret Gehrke, who spent many years traveling with her husband across the U.S. visiting National Parks in the first half of the 20th century. In one page of her journal she speaks about traveling across her native Nebraska in 1918 - spending a rugged day driving 100 miles in their Buick. It took them the better part of the day and they arrived grimy, muddy, exhausted - but exhilarated by their travels.
We had the luxury of being enclosed in a comfy truck, air conditioning and all. The roads were bumpy in places but at least they were paved. We arrived around 4pm at the top of Oklahoma and set up camp in the parking lot of a Casino in Tonkawa - not exactly the scenic byways of Gerhrke’s travels but convenient.
The campground is billed as an RV park but it is really just a nicely paved area behind the Travel Plaza off of I-35 and right next to the small casino. But it is pretty inexpensive and includes full hookups. What more could you ask for $30 dollars a night?
It was 100 degrees when we arrived and the wind was blowing something fierce. We spent the first few hours hunkered down inside the camper with all the shades drawn and our poor air conditioning pumping away to keep us all somewhat cool. At one point I laid down and took a nap.
But then, around 8pm the sun settled low on the horizon turning the sky a soft pink and pale blue. The breeze continued but not with such fierce intensity. We pulled out our chairs, turned them towards the prairie and away from the interstate and let the dogs come out. They ran and played in the grass. And we watched the sun go down. I read quotes from Willa Cather in preparation for our week in Nebraska and thumbed through Margaret Gehrke’s journals on my phone.
Both women were drawn to the central plains of this country - particularly for the solitude and the silence - and I feel a kindredness with their spirits. As the sun set and the dogs played I experienced a sense of calm anticipation - a bit of remembering about why we decided to do this. I am holding on to this as we head into the weekend. Trying to let the worries and the tightness of our quarters go by the wayside. Maybe I am embracing my pioneering spirit.
Now for the weekend and a journey across Kansas. We are Nebraska bound.