Frogs and Coming in Three’s 6/25/21
What do you know about frogs? I have to admit I don’t know much beyond the basics. Except that they are finding their way into my life right now in many ways. I can’t really remember the last time I saw a live frog, or toad for that matter, but in the past couple of weeks I have been visited by three.
Now I am one of those people who believe that things coming in three’s need to have my attention. So I am paying attention and wondering what message these little amphibian friends might have for me right now. And doing a little research to find out the difference between toads and frogs and what their symbolic meanings might be.
My first visitor was the teeny frog that hopped across my line of sight while we were still in Texas. To be correct I learned that this was just a baby frog called a froglet - it was black and about the size of a pencil eraser. Just starting life in a big, big world.
My second frog showed up in Kansas. This one was much larger and was slowly making its way across the grass of the Boot Hill Museum. We had just turned up the path to visit the original 1800’s church building and there it was - languidly hopping along. He even politely stopped hopping long enough for us to take some pictures (see the photo above) as if it knew that it’s mission was to specifically get my attention. As we turned to go back to the path it burrowed down into the grass so that any other person walking by would never know it was there.
And then today - we pulled into our overnight camping spot in Grand Island, Nebraska and I got out of the car to direct Jason as he pulled into our spot - and what should hop right in front of me? Another frog - this one (not to sound to Goldilocks like) was middle sized - right between the other two - not too big and not too small. I was worried Jason would run it over so I made him get out of the truck so we could get the frog back onto the grass and out of the way.
So now I am sitting here wondering about these frog visitors and what they might want to say to me in this moment in time.
According to some websites I have learned that they represent metamorphosis and transformation. But I am also thinking of fairytales and other froggy symbols and mythology. And of course there is the fact that there were three - perhaps a bit trinitarian there.
And for some reason I am remembering a time when Jason and I hiked to a hidden arch in Snow Canyon State Park in Southern Utah. We woke up super early to be the only people on the trail. As we descended into a cool valley tucked between tall sandstone rocks we could see the arch up ahead. But what took our breath away was the sound of the frogs, there must have been hundreds of them in the valley and for one moment they were all croaking and singing together. And then in a flash, they became aware of our presence and in unison went silent. The shift from the echoing frogs to the sheer silence took our breath away and we stood still for some time taking it all in. It is a moment that has stayed implanted in my memory all these years later. I can even feel the coolness of the shaded sandstone on my cheeks after our hot hike up to the valley as I write these words.
So, perhaps this is what the frogs are wanting me to remember - not princes and curses or tadpoles turning to frogs. But that moment in time when the universe took my breath away and all I could do was stand still in the silence and take it all in. Maybe that is the invitation they are offering me right now.
In the meantime I am grateful for their visits because they have caught my attention and invited me to be still for a moment - to remember the wonders of creation. And I promise to keep paying attention in case they have more that they want to say.