Neighbors 6/3/21
A litany in celebration of neighbors:
For the woman who sits in the chair across the way watching television while her poodle rests on top of the picnic table - may we all be reminded of the importance of leisure in a busy world.
For the young man who has brought all of his weight training equipment with him in his RV and dedicates himself to a daily practice each morning - may we all be as attentive to the practices that keep us grounded.
For the family behind us with the many children, and the father who celebrates his elaborate outdoor kitchen, and for the pile of pancakes he made his family today - may we all be reminded of those we love and how gathering around the table is always sacramental no matter the food provided.
For the mother of those children who I only catch glimpses of behind the door of the RV. May we all be on the lookout for the unseen and for those who are hidden away.
For the lone man at the end of the lane with his small black lab that he lets run loose while he watches from his perch. May we all be reminded to leap with joy at the small pleasures and not stress out too much about rules.
For the woman that stopped to talk to us about the dogs who was obviously lonely and in need of a friend. May we all remember to see those around us, especially those in need of a friend, and not be too busy or callous that we miss the lonely and the lost.
For the intense couple in the shiny new RV who are concerned about getting everything right. May we all be willing to release perfection and celebrate the mistakes that makes us wise and experienced.
For the woman in the camper next to us that came and loved on our dogs and drives to work each day in her camper van returning each night to hook up electricity and water before going inside. May we all remember the struggle to find work in our world and be gentle with those who might be in need of employment.
For the stressed out woman yelling at her husband as they try to hook up the car to the back of their large RV. May we all remember to take a deep breath when we get overwhelmed before we speak any words that might be harmful or hurt those we love.
For the family in the small, ancient pop up camper who seem to not mind the dilapidated state of their beloved caravan. May we all remember that life is about experiences and not about accumulating the finest of material goods.
For the older couple camping out in a tent at the back of the RV park who appear to have no other home. May we be mindful of those who have no where to go.
For the woman walking the teeny tiny dogs that reminds us of our beloved back door neighbor from our old house. May we all remember those that we love and remember to let them know how much they mean to us.
For the red squirrels gathering acorns and taunting the dogs, for the peacock like black birds whose song is reminiscent of the deep jungle, and for the tic I found crawling across my counter last night. May we all remember that our neighbors come in many forms.
For the massive oak trees providing shade for all those gathered below. May we all try to be a form of shelter in this broken world.
For all the neighbors we might encounter today, those known to us and those unknown.
Give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to care.
May we turn to the world and greet all we encounter as neighbor.