The Blessed Damozel 6/4/21

Today I played hooky and went to the San Antonio Art museum. It is one of the things I have missed most this past year during the pandemic - the freedom to just wander through a museum and take in the creative process.

I always try to find one piece that reaches out and grabs me, and today it was this sculpture called, “The Blessed Damozel” based on a poem I had never heard of by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

The story in the poem is about a grieving spirit in heaven that watches over her lover on earth. This piece was created in 1926 by a San Antonio based artist named Bonnie MacLeary. I was struck by the piece but on further inspection, after reading the description from the artist, I found myself sitting in front of her for some time. The artist explained that she has been known to open her eyes and smile from time to time for those who sit patiently in front of her. People have also said that she sometimes has the resemblance to someone they have loved and lost.

I sat with her for sometime but she did not open her eyes and smile. Maybe she will do so for you.

Noelle Rollins