Choosing this present moment 8/26/21
We are in Tulsa this week.
Visiting our daughter who lives here and our son who flew over from Germany for a visit.
We have not been together since November of 2019 when our son and his partner flew out to surprise us all for Thanksgiving.
Right before our lives - and our world - were turned upside down by a pandemic.
Almost two years now - well just under - where our son has not been able to fly back to the states for any reason - and we could not go there.
And even now that he is allowed into the country, his partner (who is German) is still not allowed to visit.
Something we are hoping will change soon - but who knows?
So, I am taking the week to just soak it all in and be present.
Which does not leave a lot of time for other things - like travel log posts or writing.
And I am okay with that.
Because if there is anything the pandemic taught me -
it is to cherish each moment as it comes.
And not to assume there will be another one like it ahead.
Because chances are there may not be.
I wish I had known that when we all sat down to dinner that Thanksgiving day almost two years ago.
But I know it now -
And I am choosing to be present to each little moment this time around.
Take it all in.
Relish it.
Tuck it away in case I need a sweet memory for later on down the road.
While holding out hope that these days of separation -
Of borders closing and isolation from loved ones are a thing of the past.
And that we will all wear our masks and get vaccinated so that we can move on as a world.