Autumn in Europe

plane tree.jpg

This past October we traveled to Europe for our son’s master’s degree graduation.  He has been living in Munich, Germany for the past 2+ years and will remain there as he completes a Ph.D. program.  Based on how much he has settled in, we think it is unlikely that we will see him stateside anytime soon, but that is okay. 

Although we would love to have him just down the street, he gives us a good excuse to watch for discounted tickets and make our way overseas. 

 This trip we decided to combine a little extra travel with his graduation in Munich.  We had found a great deal on a ticket to Amsterdam so we started there, headed by train down to the picturesque area of the Rhine River, where we met up with our son, and then all traveled down through Germany to Munich, taking a quick drop into Austria to visit some places that have been on our list for some time.  It was a great trip and my sister, nephew, and mother met us in Munich to raise our beer steins in toasting our son’s big accomplishment the last week. 

 I like to write in my journal as we travel and keep a memory log of what we have experienced or seen along the way.  I knew that this trip would not lend itself to long, open chunks of time set aside for writing, so I decided to try my hand at writing a haiku for each day. 

 Big disclaimer here – I have absolutely no experience with writing Haiku’s, but did some research before we left to get the fundamentals as best I could.  Needless to say, I am not going to start calling myself a Haiku writer anytime soon. It was still a great writing experience, learning how to condense down a full day of experiences into 3 little lines.  Some are more interesting than others, some days I couldn’t help but write more than one - but they do a good job of summing up our adventures.  I have included them here, along with a picture(s) from the day each one was written.  Hope they help to transport you to another place and get your own travel dreams brewing. 

Day #1 Travel Day

 . . . confined in airplanes

the natural is reduced to

germs and infection . . .

Day #2 Amsterdam

 a Dutch travel summary —

engineering on steroids

ships. . . canals. . . windmills

I amsterdam.jpg
Amsterdam day 3.jpg

Day #3 Amsterdam

color and brush stroke. . .

winter has not survived — now

only sun remains


Day #4 – Travel day

dyke to river. . . past

cathedrals that reach sky — time

always flows onward

Cathedral day 3.jpg

Day #5 – Rhine River

Snow White lives next door

to the castle on the hill

where harvest is wine

Day #6 - Rhine River

Plane trees sway gently

each step whispers Hildegard

families rest and play

Day #7 – Rhine River

sometimes the right choice

is as close as breath —listen. . .

your backyard beckons

chagall windows day 8.jpg

Day #8 - Chagall Windows and Autobahn

#1 - oh the blue light that

spills across miles. . . following

me home — sparkling still

#2 - hold nothing tightly —

travel cannot be planned

but go anyway

stuck on a freeway day 8.jpg

Sitting on the Autobahn for 2+ hours


Day #9 – Rothenburg ob der Tauber

how sweet the timing

for tower climbs and cake breaks

round medieval walls

Day #10 – Drive to Munich

We move slowly now

ten days into travel plans —

a walk, shared cake, joy

Day #11 – Quick trip to Austria, Lake Hallstatt

find the calm center

allow yourself to rest - be

surprised — watch swans float

Day #12 – Obertraun, Austria

watch the mist gather

and disperse, rise and fall, our

breathe moves with the earth

Mist day 12.jpg

Day 13 munich.jpg

Day #13 – Munich

family gathers and

laughs under the chestnut trees. . .

(some love is constant)

Day #14 – Graduation Day

all those years of not —

of outsider and broken

fade into belonging

graduation day 14.jpg

castle day 15.jpg

Day #15 – Day trip to Ludwig Castles

returning again

just as the leaves turn and fall

feels oddly sacred

Day #16 – Last day in Munich

please linger awhile

longer— it is our last day. . .

oh how sweet the stars

last day in munich day 16.jpg

flying home day 17.jpg

Day #17 – Travel home

could we all be friends

like when we are stuck somewhere and

language is no barrier

Noelle Rollins