Bigger Betty Hits the Road

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In October, (with somewhat mixed feelings) we traded in our beloved little Betty for a slightly bigger travel trailer. We have named her “Bigger Betty” and she is 5 feet longer and 6 inches wider than tiny Betty, which makes a world of difference when you are traveling with 300 pounds of adorable Newfie dog love. This November we are hitting the road for a four week, Thanksgiving adventure, and each day I will be sharing a little bit of what it is like to be working and living on the road. Scroll down to read more. (most current posts at the top, oldest at the bottom).

Thanks for coming along.

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Day 30 of 30

Home again, home again, jiggety jig! This is the saying we always said to our kids when we returned home after a big adventure. And it felt so good to hear us say it again as we pulled onto our street today. It was so nice to come home - although our little condo feels like a mansion right now. The dogs are rejoicing, and have pulled out all there toys, checking to make sure everything is just as they remembered. Tomorrow is a big day here in our household - I’ll be entering the 5th decade of my life. An age I have not really imagined myself into yet. But I know that I feel so grateful to be entering this new decade with all the parts and pieces from our 30 day adventure to inspire and inform me. Somehow it just feels so right to be returning home on the eve of such a major life point. Like all the places in my life are welcoming me into this new birth year. Wherever you find yourself today, I hope it includes a sense of welcoming and large dose of homecoming hospitality


Last night out on the road, then home tomorrow. I think I am liking this overnight better then the parking lot we slept in last night. We had hoped to get much further today, but we were all so tired, we decided to stop early, grab some much needed showers and sit and watch the sunset on our last evening out. It has been such an adventure. So full of good things and lots of unexpected challenges. But it has only increased our desire to be out for longer next time. Especially now that all the kinks are worked out. I’ll post one more time when we get home tomorrow. In the meantime, I am going to just sit here, and watch that sun go down. Peace out.

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Day 29 of 30

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Day 28 of 30

Take the unexpected route. We were all set to head straight into Dallas and on to Midland, Texas for the night. It was direct, it was fast, it was easy. But right after we crossed the Texas border, we decided we wanted some adventure and to get off the Interstate. And an adventure it was indeed. We made our way down to Waco. Took the dogs to see The Silos and all things Joanna Gaines. They even got to ride in a golf cart! Then We zigzagged our way down to Fort Stockton through old Texas towns from days gone by. Saw some incredible courthouses and town squares. Old, decrepit Victorians and a million deer, cattle, donkeys, goats, and sheep. For most of the day we had no cell coverage and just followed along on the paper map in my atlas. Totally old school. We had one tense moment when we got close to running out of gas in the pitch black of night in the middle of nowhere Texas, but then Iraan, Texas appeared like a beacon of hope in the dark, dark night. Imagine the irony of that 😏. We finally pulled into the Walmart in Fort Stockton about 8pm. Totally worn out, but filled up from our unexpected day. Sometimes it’s so important to throw caution to the wind and go the other way. You never know what you might find.


Miss Mechie has a bad booboo and said she would like to head for home now.

We concur.

See you Sunday California.

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Day 27 of 30

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Day 26 of 30


The lightness of rain stopping and application reviews finally being done. Such a sense of relief after a few tough days. So Grateful for this glowing light to welcome the lightness of the day.

Plate lunch day. When I was growing up I spent all my summers in Oklahoma. Some of my favorite memories are the places my grandfather and great uncle would take me to lunch. Many other days we would enjoy a sit down lunch at my great aunts house where everyone would come home from work for a proper meal. All of those dinners (that’s what lunch is called in the south) looked a bit like this - accompanied by a fine cup of iced tea of course. Yesterday we went to George’s Museum Cafe. Not sure if it got its name from all the museums surrounding it, or because it deserves to be its own museum, seeing how it is housed in an old log cabin that’s barely standing and offers a type of hospitality that seems to be missing these days. You go down a cafeteria type line with your tray, pick your main course, and two sides. There are plenty of dessert options as well, and all for about ten bucks - accompanied by all the tea you can drink. The place was packed with everyone you can imagine, enjoying a hot, sit down meal. It was homey, and friendly. Tasty and so full of wonderful memories for me. Outside was freezing cold and raining- a full on winter day. But inside was warm and dry, and full of love in the form of home cooking. I was transported back in time. Sitting across from my grandfather listening to stories about my ancestors. Do you have memories of your family like that? What places and things bring them back to you in such vivid detail as that plate lunch did for me?

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Day 25 of 30

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Day 24 of 30

(A day late) It was just one of those kind of days. Glad it’s today and not yesterday.


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Day 23 of 30


We said goodbye to the Gulf today, and to Florida as well. I am not sure the dogs will ever forgive us for taking them away from the beach. We took one last walk as the sun rose and then headed west to start the long drive back home. A stop off in Jackson, Mississippi for the work week and then homeward bound. Can’t wait to see what Jackson has in store, but according to the dogs it will never measure up to playing ball in the calm, warm water of the gulf. I have higher hopes. Sometimes things aren’t the same but they still have gifts to bear.

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Day 22 of 30

Ahhhh yah - Best street sign ever. Hope this is what you are doing. Life is short. Make that dream happen


This is where I took my shower today. Not exactly the cleanest place. And what you cannot see is that it is totally open at the top to the outside, brrrr. And those holes on the bottom - those drain right outside to a big drainage ditch. We are also both covered from head to toe in bug bites because our screens cannot keep out all the little noseeums and mosquitos that are everywhere. Why do I tell you this? Because even when you are pursuing one of your dreams, things don’t always work out the way you planned. Things can be less then the perfect. Things will get uncomfortable. Does that mean you should not pursue your dreams? Of course not. It just means that, along with those big imaginings and wild, beautiful dreams, there will be some discomforts along the way. Dream anyway. They are still worth pursuing. Just remember to bring a good pair of flip flops if your dreams include a shower like this.

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Day 21 of 30

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Day 20 of 30

Yesterday was a blur of activity - work, chores, showers, errands, meetings. I was grateful that I had taken some time first thing in the morning to just be, and doodle in my journal. I am not always good about this practice - and I find it even harder when we are on the road - but each time I do take the time, I find that I feel so much more centered, and rooted for the day. I don’t think of myself as a very disciplined person, and staying dedicated to a daily practices can sometimes be hard with a busy schedule, but I keep plugging along, hoping that one day I might wake up and find that my practices have become habits, just part of my normal routine. Do you have a practice that keeps you centered each day? Do you find it hard to stay focused on them at times? What have you found that helps you be more disciplined?


Welcome to our jungle hideaway. We are surrounded by dense vegetation and right behind us is a mangrove with murky water. Across the lane from us is the Gulf. All day long we hear animals and birds crashing through the trees and splashing in the water. Even the dogs got scared at one point from all the screeching. It feels both magical and dangerous at the same time. I would like to say I am in my element but in reality I lock the windows up tight at night not sure what might be lurking in the dark. I am not sure I am cut out for real tropical traveling. Something to note for the future.

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Day 19 of 30

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Day 18 of 30


We traveled to the gulf coast of Florida yesterday and set up camp in the dark. We both arose early this morning with a lot of work to catch up on, never leaving our camper until about 5pm. Imagine our delight upon discovering this beauty of a beach just minutes away. I walked the beach looking at the shells that had washed up on the shore. Even finding the remains of a magenta sea urchin at one point. As I stood there on the sand , I looked down at my feet and thought about the ground I was standing on. Only minutes before I had been wrapped up in freshman college application reviews. Now I was standing on a white sand beach thinking about how far we were from home and what we have experienced these past two weeks. What ground do you find yourself standing on these days? I hope it has some fascinating discoveries to uncover just like this stretch of beach had for us today.


Starting my advent tea calendar a day late. But still welcoming this season of waiting and watching and love this way of marking the season. It invites me to slow down and just be present. A huge thank you to @professionalsciencenerd and @mistergingerhair for bringing them to us. Do you have a special way that you mark this time of year?

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Day 17 of 30

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Day 15 & 16 of 30

I’m a bit behind schedule because after our surprise visitors from Germany arrived, we decided to spend all our time together at Disney World. We are a family the loves Disney and getting to spend two full days there with my favorite peeps was the best of the best. It was so grand in fact, I felt it deserved a top ten list. So here are my top ten best things about a Disney adventure 1. Families in all different shapes and sizes hanging out together 2. All those crazy matching T-shirt’s 3. All those families (mine included) actually wearing those matching T-shirt’s 4. Super early mornings in the park before the crowds arrive and everything is fresh and clean 5. Getting to walk 20+miles in two days and not even caring 6. Fireworks 7. Mickey Ice Cream bars 8. Mickey ears 9. The attention to detail and imagination 10. Having a captive family while you wait in line and play Ellen’s Heads Up, laughing all the way along.


Did you opt to go outside today? If so what did you see? We watched this heron stealthily fishing for lunch - moving slowly through each step until it finally caught its prey.

hope you spent some part of this Black Friday outside and not shopping. As one post I saw earlier today said - the earth doesn’t need us to have anymore stuff. So true.

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Day 14 of 30

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Day 13 0f 30


Turns out thirteen is not such an unlikely number after all. Especially when it falls on Thanksgiving and you get to spend it with the ones you love.

We have always been a family that cooked together and it is nice to see that the kids were paying attention. They are great cooks. What a feast. So very grateful.


This mother’s heart just exploded with joy. Look at the surprise that just walked into tabby’s house!! Tabby and I were the only ones who didn’t know. Complete and utterly amazing surprise. Best thanksgiving present ever

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Day 12 of 30

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Day 11 of 30


When I was a little girl my great grandmother made me this pink polyester quilt. Through all of our downsizing I just couldn’t bring myself to give it away even though the 1970’s flower girl print didn’t really go with my current style. So into a closet it went. When we got ready to leave on this road trip I knew I would need a blanket for the dogs to sleep on and it seemed like the perfect match.

I love heirlooms, but see no reason why they can’t be used for every day activities. Yes, maybe the dogs will cause it to have some wear and tear, but isn’t it better for it to get some use instead of sitting in a cupboard hidden away? What special heirlooms do you have tucked away that are longing to see the sunshine? Wouldn’t it be nice to put them to use?


Sometimes you have to stop long enough to get the laundry done


Day 10 of 30

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Day 9 of 30

Woke early this morning on Florida’s forgotten coast - a place I love more each time I visit. As we prepared to leave we started visiting with our neighbor who was from Fairbanks, Alaska. He was in the last stages of a memorial trip in honor of his wife. She had always dreamed of following the fall from Alaska all the way to Florida but was waiting until retirement. She passed away before that could happen and now her husband is making the trip alone in honor of her dream. As we drove off we started talking about how important it is to make those dream happen now. There is no guarantee for a tomorrow. With that in mind, what dream do you need to make happen now?

Oh the people we meet. Couple long days of driving to get us to the Florida panhandle this evening (so pretty) . We love the chance encounters we have with people along the way. In the first campground we meet a delightful couple with the same camper as us. They recently retired and are touring about. He had worked for the U .S. Government in intelligence and has been all over the world - now he wants to see America. Such a great evening hearing their stories. While in Padre Island we meet a couple in their 70’s touring the U.S. on his Harley motorcycle. They slept each night in a little pop up tent towed behind the bike. We talked dogs and adventure, and stopping to see instead of just blazing through. Today while taking the dogs for a potty break in Louisiana we had a great chat with a couple of women who stopped to ask us about our camper. Turns out they were Jehovah Witness’s and gave me this pamphlet as they drove away. Right then another woman drove up and asked us about the camper. She is getting ready to retire and wants to go on the road. As I looked down at the pamphlet I had just been given I thought about the question on the front. From the folks we meet I have a strong feeling we will survive. Despite what we hear in the news, and all the injustices happening, the world is full of many lovely and good people. I have faith in them even when I lose all faith in governments and institutions. Travel teaches me this and helps me to stay hopeful.


Day 8 of 30

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Day 5, 6 and part of 7


Padre Island National Seashore

Blessedly and totally off grid. We didn’t realize we would be totally offline but it was the perfect way to celebrate this guys 50th birthday. Total peace. Unfortunately he wasn’t feeling well the next day so had to take a day of rest. But what a great place to heal when you aren’t your best self.

Walking Labyrinths in San Antonio

Today was a day for labyrinths and ancestors. I went in search of three labyrinths I knew were in the area and walked them all but it was the first one, at the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, that has stayed with me through the day. It was a remembrance labyrinth encircled by little pavers in honor of loved ones, grandparents, children, beloved pastors. My mother’s family is from a small town in Southeastern Oklahoma and I spent all my thanksgivings and summers there when I was growing up. Today I felt my grandmothers and grandfather here with me. They whispered in the wind and joined me in my walk. I have no idea who Chrissy, Feather and Floppy were - maybe pets? But I was so enchanted by this stone, amidst all the more respectable ones. It reminded me of my beloved ancestors and I said a prayer of thanksgiving, for them, as well as Chrissy, Flopsy and Feather. Thank you for walking with me today.

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Day 4 of 30


Day 3 of 30.

A day in the life of... descriptions in order of pics

1. My oratory as Jason has a daily meeting the same time as Lauds

2. Work desk partners

3. Breakfast time

4. A quick lunch break

5. My 30 year old work horse campstove

6. Mechie looking like the sweetheart that she is

7. Bigger Betty all tucked in for the night.

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Day 2 of 30


The great state of Texas. Lessons learned:
1. Texas is not flat 2. Heavy wind and a lot of steep grades make for a very long day in Bigger Betty 3. Texas is beautiful in its own rugged and unique way 4. When a 9 hour drive ends up taking 12 1/2 hours you don’t really want to have the last hour in a large city with major road construction, detours and narrow lanes. 5. Always have snacks on hand. Final thoughts: We are completely reassessing our drive home to include shorter distances. Thanks universe for the insights

This morning as we prepared to leave, Brigid was literally bouncing with excitement. Her sister on the other hand, just began to worry. She doesn’t like to travel but she does what she is required to do. As we followed the border of Mexico to our first stop in New Mexico, 30 miles from the border, I thought of the different types of travelers. Those like us (and Brigid) who are excited to be on the road. And those like Mechie who are forced to travel against there will. I was reminded of one of my former students who had been forced into a marriage as a young girl to an abusive husband and fled across the desert of Mexico to America in hopes of a better life. The trials she endured while crossing the desert stayed with her forever - PTSD and chronic health problems. This day I am grateful that I have the choice to travel. That I (for the most part) am in control of where we go and what we encounter. And I am deeply aware of the many others that travel, not from choice, but out of desperation and need. We meet lots of character on the road. May they all have peaceful journeys - wherever they may be going.

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Day 1 of 30

Noelle Rollins