Swings 6/10/21

Today was not a good day. I had started this morning thinking that I would write about swinging, and how I have spent time in our last two campgrounds on the swings in the children’s playground.

I had not been on a swing for years, but I remembered how much I loved to swing as a child, and had been in a number of discussions recently on the importance of play - so I decided I would get on the swings to see if I could return to that place of joyful abandon. And it was playful. And it was like being a child again. And it did stir up all sorts of memories about time on the playground as a little girl and how I would swing and delight in my own imagination. And I do want to write more about it, but not today.

Today we sort of lost our footing. We forgot to stay rooted in a place of abundance and instead went to a mindset of scarcity. And we allowed that mindset of scarcity to send us off track. So I guess I am still writing about swinging, but in a different way. Perhaps more about swinging from feeling rooted, and thoughtful, and trusting in one moment, and then swinging to fear, anxiety, and not enoughness in the next - not enough time, not enough of the things we need, not enough to go around, not enough discussion - just not enough. And tonight we are trying our best to swing back the other way.

I am wondering what my new discovery of swinging on the playground might be able to teach me in this moment. What little bit of wisdom this return to playfulness might have to share. I will have to go inside and listen. And maybe take one more turn on the swing set before we head out tomorrow for our next destination.

Right now I am just tired
And I need to rest.

Tomorrow can await for a few more hours.

Noelle Rollins