Imagination 6/9/21
A noticing from my day (and a cute picture of Brigid from last night):
While shopping at Walmart today - lost in the personal care section looking for the aisle with lotion I noticed a man pushing a large cart and selecting items for grocery delivery. As I turned the corner I couldn’t help smiling when I saw this large burly man standing in front of the fake eyelash display. He was diligently looking for the item listed on the little order machine he held in his hand. Carefully looking at each set of eyelashes to make sure he picked the right pair.
Of course my mind went immediately to the person who had placed this order. I thought to myself, “who orders their fake eyelashes online from Walmart”? But then I allowed my imagination to wonder. We are firmly rooted in rural Texas right now. One need just look around at the signs and flags to know that we are well planted in America’s red state territory. It gave me great pleasure to imagine that the eyelashes were for a local drag queen who heads to Houston on a regular basis to display beautiful made up eyes complete with a set of lashes selected by the Walmart clerk.